Creatio Continua

Month: April 2021

Nektar Island – Dreamkeepers

It was amazing to be invited into a new episode of the show Nektar Island, at K2K radio – in the virtual company with my dear friends Chawat Lancien, Christian Müller and Maddalena Ghezzi to talk a little bit about “Il Maestro” Federico Fellini, his creative process and the extraordinary ‘Libro dei Sogni’. 

Magic, pasta, and that’s all!

Listen to the show in the link below.  

#ScriPitch – Talk at Ten (25/03/2021)

Talk at Ten – 25/03/2021

It was such a pleasure to be a guest of the webcast “Talk at Ten” hosted by the @westlondonbusiness with the theme Creative Entrepreneurs and West London’s Screen industry. It was amazing to be part of it, along with such wonderful creatives like Maria Walker (Studio Development Consultant), Carl Schoenfeld (BFI) and the artist Gala Bell (@galabell). Watch it on YouTube!

– Maria Walker, Studio Development Consultant

– Carl Schoenfeld, British Film Institute

– Rafael Ceribelli, ScriPitch

– Gala Bell, Multimedia Artist Talk at Ten is kindly supported by Better Futures

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